Thursday 22 May 2014

making headspace

As a decidedly unimportant person, the concept of starting a blog is slightly ridiculous. The unique, defining characteristic of a blog - the thing that sets it apart from all the meaningful conversations you have with your friends, the rambling paragraphs you pour into your journal or the endless stream of thoughts that quietly but constantly buzzes around in your brain - is that it's public. So, if you're putting your voice out there for everyone to hear, it follows that you ought to be saying something worth listening to. Heads up - that's probably not going to be the case.

Am I going to inspire millions and instigate important social change? Will I be dispensing world-shaking wisdom with effortless eloquence? Maybe I could raise some laughs trying. I'm not here to sell myself short, but then again, I'm not here to sell anything.

This blog is selfish. I don't know what I can bring to an audience. I don't know - nor do I particularly care - if I will find one. The driving force behind this endeavour, far from aspirations of fame, or recognition, or making an impact, is simply the desire to clear my head. The task of processing my inspirations and experiences becomes more of a struggle by the day. I'm devouring more information than I have time to digest, and I'd be amazed if I could actually learn anything from it before the next shiny new thing comes along. In organising and documenting the result of all my mind goes through in a such a way that it makes sense to others, perhaps I can improve my own understanding and, if I'm lucky, I can feel like I've made something at the same time.

And I get to pick the colour scheme.


If you're looking for a serious description of what to expect, think about what's typically in the mind of a young, confused art student trying to find her path in the world while trying to find out what's for dinner. There'll probably be a lot about social concerns, existential dread, cool vintage clothes and whatever's currently hot on the 6 Music playlist. The whole thing will likely read like the script to a bad blind date you ended up on because you had "similar interests"...but stick around long enough, and after a strong enough drink and enough polite nodding, there's a chance we might actually share something valuable.

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